The New Jersey State FY 2024 budget included a direct appropriation of $75 million to the New Jersey Schools Development Authority (SDA) to provide funding for projects related to emergent and capital maintenance needs.

Districts can use these funds for emergent or capital maintenance projects or to offset eligible project or maintenance costs incurred this fiscal year. Funding may be directed toward projects such as addressing site upgrades, HVAC repairs or replacement, renovations to the building envelope (masonry, roofing, etc.), safety and security needs, as well as building maintenance activities.

The funding is available to offset district costs associated with taking those important and necessary measures, and a district can use the funds to offset appropriate project costs incurred this fiscal year. Questions regarding this program can be directed to

NJDOE/NJSDA Joint Broadcast Announcing $75 Million for Emergent and Capital Maintenance Needs.
FY 2024 District Allocation Table
FY 2024 Required Certification with Attachment A