New School

Elizabeth , NJ

New Elementary School (Battin Replacement)
The new grade Pre-K to 8 school will be built on the District-owned Joseph Battin School site. The school will be designed to educate a maximum of approximately 1,000 students in a 142,000 square-foot facility. The project scope includes demolition of the existing Battin School in advance of construction of the new facility.

CURRENT STATUS - As of January 1, 2025: An early site preparation contract was awarded to USA Environmental Management, Inc. in February 2024. Early site work and demolition activities of the existing school building are ongoing.


Key Parties:
Design-Build Contractor TBD
Design-Build Architect TBD
Construction Manager TBD
Early Site Preparation Contractor USA Environmental Management, Inc.

Design Design NTP TBD
Start of Building Construction TBD
Anticipated School Opening TBD

Total Estimated Project Costs $96.2 Million

*Please note that the anticipated milestone dates listed above are dependent on a number of variables and subject to change.