Union City (Hudson Co.)
Jose Marti M.S.

1800 Summit Avenue

Union City (Hudson Co.), NJ 07087


Jose Marti Middle School

The Jose Marti Middle School houses students in grades 6 through 8. This facility features a 6,200-square-foot community library that is open to all Union City residents and a health-screening center. The 132,000-square-foot facility accommodates 775 students and was constructed on the grounds of the St. Michael's Monastery site, located between 18th and 21st Street and Summit Avenue.

The facility features 27 classrooms, 11 special education rooms, small group instruction learning classrooms, 6 science and technology labs, music rooms and a cafetorium with a full size stage. It also includes a full size gymnasium, library/media center, health center and computer lab, applied technology lab, interior courtyard, and an all-purpose outdoor athletic field.

Construction started in the fall of 2002. Turner Construction is the project management firm for this project that was designed by Rivardo*Schnitzer*Capazzi, AIA (PA) and constructed by Torcon, Inc.

On September 28, 2004 a ribbon-cutting ceremony was held at the new Jose Marti Middle School in Union City. The event featured an Open House for the community.