Contract No. | Contract Name & Location | School District |
NE-0003-B01 | South Street Elementary School | Newark |
ADVERTISEMENT The New Jersey Schools Development Authority (“NJSDA”) is seeking to engage a Design-Build Team (”DB Team”) that will provide design consultant, construction administration and general contracting services for the following project:Contract No.: NE-0003-B01This is a solicitation for design-build services in connection with the design and construction of the New South Street Elementary School, Newark, New Jersey. This solicitation is issued in accordance with the Authority’s regulations at N.J.A.C. 19:36-1 et seq.
Contract Name:   South Street Elementary School (New)
District:   Newark
County:   Essex
No. of Schools:   1 (South Street Elementary School)
Construction Cost Estimate: $25,000,000 to $35,000,000
Brief description of work: The existing South Street School will be replaced with a new 103,000 gross square foot school facility (surrounded by Hermon Street, Johnson Street, Dawson Street and Pennington Street) and a separate parking area (surrounded by Hermon Street, Vesey Street, McWhorter Street and Johnson Street). The proposed new school facility will house 597 students from Pre-kindergarten to Grade 8. The current design is based on the current Kit of Parts model for a Pre K to 8 elementary school with the associated play areas, handicap parking and community spaces.
The Request for Proposals (“RFP”) package is available at the following link: click here for electronic copies.
Eligibility Requirements for Bidders:
This solicitation seeks responses from interested Bidders, who shall submit proposals representing a proposed multi-member Design-Build Team. The Design-Build Team shall consist primarily of:1) the responding Bidder (“Bidder” or “Design-Builder”) who shall act as prime contractor for the construction work for the Project;Each Bidder, in order to be deemed eligible to bid and responsive to the RFP must be classified by the Department of Labor, Department of Treasury, Division of Revenue, Department of Treasury, Division of Property Management and Construction and prequalified by the NJSDA in one of the following DPMC Trade Classifications: C006 (Construction Manager as a Constructor), C007 (Design-Build) or C008 (General Construction).
2) a design consultant to be identified by the Design-Builder in the technical proposal (the “Design Builder’s Design Consultant” or “Design Consultant”), who shall be engaged as a sub-consultant to the Design-Builder and shall act as Architect of Record for the Project, in the event of award.In addition, the responding firm shall engage and identify in the Technical Proposal as a member of the Design-Build Team a firm that shall be known as the “Design-Builder’s Design Consultant” or “design consultant” and must be prequalified by the Department of Treasury, Division of Property Management and Construction and by the NJSDA in the Architecture (P001) discipline with a prequalification rating of “Unlimited” as of the submittal due date for technical and price proposals.When naming subcontractors in accordance with this section, a design-builder is required to name only those subcontractors that are engaged directly by the Design-Builder (“first-tier subcontractors”). Design-Builders are NOT REQUIRED to name any subcontractors engaged by the first-tier subcontractors or by others (e.g., “second-tier subcontractors” or “third-tier subcontractors.”)
The design-builder selected for award shall hold the Design-Build Agreement with the NJSDA and shall act in the capacity of the prime contractor. The Design-Builder’s Design Consultant shall perform in the contractual capacity of a subconsultant to the design-builder and as the architect of record for the project.
Identification of Required Subcontractors and Subconsultants:
In addition to the necessary prequalification in the discipline of Architecture, the proposed Design Consultant must have in-house capability and DPMC classification and SDA prequalification or have DPMC classified and SDA prequalified sub-consultants for the following required disciplines:
Architecture (P001)
Subconsultants in the above disciplines must be identified in the Technical Proposal, and all requested information regarding such subconsultants must be supplied as requested. If the Design-Builder’s Design Consultant intends to self-perform any of the services of the above-identified subconsultant disciplines, and is DPMC classified and NJSDA prequalified to do so, the design-builder shall so indicate and include the required information where called for.
Electrical Engineering (P002)
HVAC Engineering (P003)
Plumbing Engineering (P004)
Civil Engineering (P005)
Structural Engineering (P007)
Environmental Engineering (P011)
In accordance with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 52:18A-243, each design-builder is required to set forth in its bid the name or names of all subcontractors to whom the design-builder will directly subcontract for the furnishing of any of the work and materials specified in the plans and specifications for the following branches:
1) the plumbing and gas fitting and all work and materials kindred thereto (“Plumbing Branch”)
2) the steam and hot water heating and ventilating apparatus, steam power plants and all work and materials kindred thereto (“HVACR Branch”)
3) the electrical work (“Electrical Branch”)
4) structural steel and miscellaneous iron work and materials (“Structural Steel Branch”).
All subcontractors required to be named under this section must be NJSDA prequalified by the NJSDA as of the submittal due date for Technical Proposals and Price Proposals. Each design-builder shall adhere to the following instructions in its identification of all subcontractors with whom the design-builder will contract in the four branches:
Plumbing Branch: The design-builder must identify a subcontractor that is DPMC classified in the trade of Plumbing (C030), unless the design-builder intends to self-perform for this trade. If the design-builder intends to self-perform, the design-builder must identify itself as self-performing in the trade of Plumbing (C030). If the design-builder will contract with any additional subcontractors with DPMC Trade Classifications in the Plumbing trade or other trades applicable to this branch, each such additional subcontractor must be identified.
HVACR Branch: The design-builder must identify a subcontractor that is DPMC classified in the trade of HVACR (C032) ) OR an HVAC Contractor classified in the former DPMC classification of C039 may also satisfy the HVACR (C032) requirement, if a bona-fide representative the Contractor has applied to be “grandfathered in” under the new Master Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration license offered by the State Board of Examiners for Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Contractors pursuant to N.J.A.C. 45:16A-26. Such a C039 Contractor or subcontractor must supply a copy of the “grandfathering” license application, as well as proof of payment of application fee, unless the bidder intends to self-perform for this trade. If the bidder intends to self-perform, the self-performing bidder must provide proof of the required HVACR license by providing evidence that a bona-fide representative of the firm holds a Master HVACR license, or providing evidence that a bona-fide representative of the firm has applied to be “grandfathered in” to the Master HVACR license based on experience without meeting education and examination requirements under N.J.A.C. 45:16A-26. If the design-builder will contract with any additional subcontractors with DPMC Trade Classifications in the HVACR trade or other trades applicable to this branch, each such additional subcontractor must be identified.
Electrical Branch: The design-builder must identify a subcontractor that is DPMC classified in the trade of Electrical (C047), unless the design-builder intends to self-perform for this trade. If the design-builder intends to self-perform, the design-builder must identify itself as self-performing in the trade of Electrical (C047). If the design-builder will contract with any additional subcontractors with DPMC Trade Classifications in the Electrical trade or other trades applicable to this branch, each such additional subcontractor must be identified.
Structural Steel Branch: The design-builder must identify a subcontractor that is DPMC classified in the trade of Structural Steel (C029), unless the design-builder intends to self-perform for this trade. If the design-builder intends to self-perform, the design-builder must identify itself as self-performing in the trade of Structural Steel (C029). If the design-builder will contract with any additional subcontractors with DPMC Trade Classifications in the Structural Steel trade or other trades applicable to this branch, each such additional subcontractor must be identified.
If a design-builder intends to self-perform any of the work of four above-described branches of Work, and is DPMC classified and NJSDA prequalified to do so, the design-builder shall so indicate and include the required information where called for in the Technical Proposal and Price Proposal.
This contract requires compliance with the New Jersey Prevailing Wage Act and the federal Davis-Bacon and Related Acts. This contract will be subject to the terms of a PROJECT LABOR AGREEMENT. The PROJECT LABOR AGREEMENT will be included in the contract and is available at the NJSDA web site.
Note that the selected Bidder and its Design-Build Team shall be required to ensure that small business enterprises (“SBEs”) have the maximum practicable opportunity to participate in the performance of this engagement. A 25% Set-Aside Goal has been established for this Project.
The Bidder will be required to identify in an SBE Form B submitted with the Technical Proposal the SBE firms that are or will be engaged to satisfy the Authority’s SBE Set-Aside Goals with respect to the Design Services portion of the Project. The Bidder will later be required to identify, prior to the issuance of a Notice to Proceed with the Construction Work, the SBE firms that are or will be engaged to satisfy the Authority’s SBE Set-Aside Goals with respect to the Construction Work of the Project. Failure to make a good faith effort to satisfy the Authority’s SBE Set-Aside Goals shall be grounds for rejection of a Bidder’s proposal, or, if such failure occurs after award, termination of the Design-Build Agreement.
A firm or person or an affiliate thereof may not serve as a Design-Builder or as a subcontractor or as a subconsultant on an authority project for which the firm or person serves as the construction manager or as a subcontractor or as a subconsultant to the construction manager.
Procurement Overview:
The first step in the procurement process requires the Bidder to submit a Project Rating Proposal, which results in the establishment of a Project Rating Limit for the Bidder. A Bidder may not submit a Price Proposal for the Project, that, excluding the GMP Reserve and amounts designated as design fees for the Project, exceeds its Project Rating Limit.
The second step of the procurement process requires the Bidder to simultaneously submit:
1) A Technical Proposal (one unbound original, seven bound copies and two CDs containing full cover-to-cover copies in PDF format on electronic media (CD or comparable) required, which provides information required by the RFP including the past experience and qualifications of the Bidder and its Design-Build Team, the Bidder’s overall approach to the project and to the LEED requirements of the project, as well as other information; and
In the evaluation step, the Technical Proposals will be reviewed and analyzed by a Selection Committee comprised of no fewer than four individuals representing the NJSDA and the Newark School District, charged with evaluating the Technical Proposals and conducting interviews with the Bidders and their Design Consultants for the clarification and amplification of the information contained in the Technical Proposals, before scoring the Technical Proposals with reference to the following non-price evaluation factors:
2) A sealed Price Proposal, which states the Bidder’s fixed, lump-sum Contract Price for the Project, which will form the basis for the Guaranteed Maximum Price for the Project.
Design-Builder's experience on similar projects (25 points)
Experience of Design Builder's Design Consultant on similar projects (15 points)
Design-Builder's prior affirmative action experience (5 points)
Approach to Project (30 points)
Approach to Schedule (10 points)
Approach to LEED Requirements (15 points)
The Price Proposals will remain sealed until the interviews are completed and Technical Proposals have been fully evaluated and scored. The scores for the Technical Proposals will be revealed at the public bid opening at which the Price Proposals are opened. The Price Proposals will then be scored by the Authority’s Procurement Division at the public meeting in accordance with the terms of the RFP. The scores for the non-price evaluation factors will be combined with the scores for the Price Proposals, and the Bidder with the highest combined score will be deemed the winning bidder with the proposal most advantageous to the Authority, price and other factors considered, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:18A-243 and N.J.A.C. 19:36-1 et seq.
Price shall be considered more important than all other factors combined, with price representing 60% of the weighted scoring and all other factors representing 40% of weighted scoring. The Authority is under no obligation to accept the lowest price proposal, as evaluation and scoring of proposals shall be in accordance with the terms of the RFP and regulations at N.J.A.C. 19:36-1 et seq.
The NJSDA has no obligation to make an award and reserves the right to waive any non-material defects, reject any or all proposals for any reason in accordance with law, and/or terminate the selection process at any time.
Only after an award is issued to the successful Design-Builder may an unsuccessful Bidder request a debriefing.
Procurement Submission Dates and Deadlines:
A.  A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held as follows:
Immediately following the Mandatory pre-bid there will be a Mandatory site visit.Pre-Bid Date: July 9, 2015
Pre-Bid Time: 11:00AM
Pre-Bid Location: New Jersey Schools Development Authority
    375 McCarter Highway
    Newark, NJ 07114
B. A Design Build Information Package, containing the Authority’s requirements for the Project as expressed in drawings, plans, Procedural and Performance Specifications and other documents, will be made available through a controlled-access website to prequalified firms that have attended the mandatory July 9, 2015 pre-bid conference and, if applicable, any mandatory site visit. In addition, the Design-Build Information Package will be made available thereafter for in-person review at NJSDA offices by appointment during normal business hours. To set up an appointment, please e-mail Alison Perry, Procurement Analyst at
C. In addition to participation in the mandatory pre-bid conference, all Bidders on this project will be required to complete a project rating proposal form (PRP) and submit the completed PRP by 2:00 PM (local time) on July 16, 2015 to Alison Perry at the below NJSDA address:
If submitting by U.S. Mail:
P.O. Box 991
Trenton, NJ 08625-0991
If submitting by Fed Ex, UPS, Courier, Hand Delivery:
32 E. Front Street
Trenton, NJ 08625-0991
D. Interested firms must submit a Technical Proposal, which provides responses to the non-price “other factors” evaluative criteria requirements of the RFP. The Technical Proposals must be received by the NJSDA by 2:00 PM on September 16, 2015. Faxed or e-mailed submittals shall not be accepted.
Bidders must simultaneously submit a sealed Price Proposal which must be submitted with the Technical Proposal and received by the NJSDA by 2:00 PM on September 16, 2015. Faxed or e-mailed Price Proposals shall not be accepted. Any Technical or Price Proposals received after this date and time will be returned unopened. Technical Proposals and sealed Price Proposals shall be delivered to Alison Perry at the NJSDA address below:
If submitting by U.S. Mail:
P.O. Box 991
Trenton, NJ 08625-0991
If submitting by Fed Ex, UPS, Courier, Hand Delivery:
32 E. Front Street
Trenton, NJ 08625-0991
E. The sealed Price Proposals shall be publicly opened and read at a bid opening at the NJSDA office on September 25, 2015 at 2:00 PM.
For further information on NJSDA, please visit us at “”.
DATE ADVERTISED: June 29, 2015