State of New Jersey - NJ Schools Development Authority
Contract No. Contract Name & Location School District
ST-0044-M01 Bridgeton-Buckshutem ES/Quarter Mile ES Ren & Add Bridgeton
The New Jersey Schools Development Authority (“NJSDA”) is seeking the services of a Construction Manager ("CM") to manage the Design-Build Construction of the Buckshutem Road Elementary School and the Quarter Mile Lane Elementary School in the Bridgeton School District.

The RFQ/RFP defines the steps needed for participation in the procurement, and is issued pursuant to the Authority's regulations governing the procurement of professional services consultants, N.J.A.C. 19:38C-1 et seq.

Copies of the RFQ/RFP documents can be downloaded by clicking the link below:

Click here for electronic copies.

Contract No.:                       ST-0044-M01
Contract Name:                   Buckshutem Rd ES & Quarter Mile Lane ES
District:                                 Bridgeton
County:                                 Cumberland
No. of Schools:                     2 (Buckshutem Rd ES & Quarter Mile Lane ES)
CCE:                                      $43,414,000

Brief description of Work:

The Buckshutem Road Elementary School Addition/Renovation Project will increase the capacity of the existing facility from 404 students to 581 students in grades K-8. New construction consists of an approximately 33,381 square foot one-story addition which includes classrooms, science labs, art room, and a gymnasium and locker rooms. The project also includes approximately 7,307 square feet of selective renovations, including conversion of the existing gymnasium to a media center and conversion of the existing media center to student services offices.

The Quarter Mile Lane Elementary School Addition/Renovation Project will increase the capacity of the existing facility from 254 students in grades K-8 to 731 students in grades Pre-K through 8. The project includes approximately 91,030 square feet of new construction, including a new three-story classroom wing, a multi-purpose room, cafeteria and kitchen, and a gymnasium and locker rooms. The existing 33,468 square foot one-story facility will be renovated to provide Pre-K classrooms, office and other support facilities.

Procurement Overview

This is a "Price and Other Factors" solicitation for Construction Management Services for the Buckshutem Road Elementary School and the Quarter Mile Lane Elementary School in Bridgeton, New Jersey. This solicitation seeks responses from interested firms in the form of a simultaneous submission of:

1.     A Qualifications and Technical Proposal, which provides information regarding the firms' past experience and qualifications as well as the firm's overall approach to the project, for evaluation by a Selection Committee charged with evaluation and scoring of the submittals with reference to the non-price "Other Factors" criteria identified in the RFQ/RFP. The "Other Factors" to be considered, and their relative weights, are as follows:

         Firm's CM Experience on Similar Projects (20 Points);
         Staffing Proposal (30 points);
         Key Team Members' Experience on Similar Projects (30 points);
         Approach to Project (20 points),

        for a maximum total of 100 Qualifications and Technical points.

2.      A sealed Price Proposal, which will remain sealed until completion of the "Other Factors" evaluation and scoring, and which states the firms fixed, lump-sum price for the services required for the project. The Price Proposal will be subject to scoring in accordance with the terms of the RFQ/RFP.

Responsive firms will be evaluated and scored by a Selection Committee on the basis of their written Qualifications and Technical Proposal submissions. The responsive firms will be ranked on the basis of such scores, and a shortlist of the six (6) most highly-ranked firms will be determined. The shortlised firms will participate in interviews with the Selection Committee and will be separately scored on the basis of the interview using the same criteria and point values used to evaluate the Qualifications and Technical Proposal. The scores for the written submission and the interview will be combined into a total "Non-Price Score."

Once all the Non-Price Scores for all shortlisted firms have been calculated, the Authority will open the sealed Price Proposals and will review them for responsiveness, and determine a Price Score for each responsive Price Proposal. The lowest responsive Price Proposal shall be scored by awarding the maximum number of points for the price component, which shall be 100. All other Price Proposals shall be scored by awarding points based on the percentage that each proposal exceeds the lowest Price Proposal.

The Non-Price Scores will be adjusted by a weighting factor of 60% and the Price Scores will be adjusted by a weighting factor of 40%, before being combined in a Final Combined Score. The Authority will recommend award of the contract to the responsive firm with the highest Final Combined Score.

Procurement Requirements

To participate in the procurement, firms must be classified with the Department of Treasury, Division of Property Management and Construction and the NJSDA in the Construction Management (P029) discipline as of the due date for Responses to this RFQ/RFP.

Firms are required to comply with the requirements of P.L. 1975, c. 127 (N.J.A.C. 17:27), pertaining to affirmative action and equal employment opportunity.

The NJSDA requires the selected Consultant to provide opportunities to SBE firms to participate in the performance of this engagement, consistent with NJSDA’s SBE set aside goals of 25% (5% to Category 1, 5% to Category 2, 5% to Category 3, with the remaining 10% to be allocated among firms in Categories 1, 2 and 3). The Small Business Administration size standards are established at 13 C.F.R. 121.201.

In accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:7G-41.1, a firm shall be precluded from submitting a proposal for this procurement if such firm or any affiliated firm is engaged under a prime contract with NJSDA to provide work and services as the general contractor for this project, or is engaged as a subcontractor to the general contractor for this project.

Procurement Submission Dates and Deadlines

A.     Notice of Intent to Participate:

The NJSDA will not hold a traditional pre-proposal conference for this procurement. All firms interested in submitting a proposal must sign in electronically by sending a mandatory e-mail Notice of Intent to Participate to Jim McElhenny at no later than 5:00 PM on August 14, 2013.

B.     Questions from Interested Firms:

Interested firms may submit questions to the NJSDA by sending them by email to Jim McElhenny at no later than 5:00 PM on August 14, 2013. The questions and answers will be provided electronically to each firm that submitted a timely e-mail Notice of Intent to Participate.

C.     Interested firms must submit a Qualifications and Technical Proposal utilizing the Forms provided by the Authority, which provides responses to the non-price “Other Factors” evaluative criteria requirements of the RFQ/RFP. The Qualifications and Technical Proposals (one unbound original, three bound copies and two electronic copies in PDF format on CDs) must be received by the NJSDA by 5:00 PM on August 28, 2013. Faxed or e-mailed Submittals shall not be accepted.

Interested firms must submit with the Qualifications and Technical Proposal a sealed “Price Proposal” which contains the lump sum contract price the firm intends to offer for the Construction Management Services as well as other required information. The Price Proposal must be submitted on the form provided by the NJSDA. The Price Proposal must be separately sealed and submitted with the Qualifications and Technical Proposal and received by the NJSDA by 5:00 PM on August 28, 2013. Faxed or e-mailed Price Proposals shall not be accepted.

Any Qualifications and Technical Proposal or Price Proposal received after this date and time will be returned unopened. Qualifications and Technical Proposals and sealed Price Proposals shall be delivered to the NJSDA at the following address:

If U.S. Mail:
P.O. Box 991
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0991
Attention: James McElhenny, Senior Procurement Analyst
Subject: Construction Management Services Proposal - ST-0044-M01

If Fed Ex, UPS, Courier, Hand Delivery:
1 West State Street
First Floor (Wells Fargo Bank Building)
Trenton, NJ 08625-0991
Attention: James McElhenny, Senior Procurement Analyst
Subject: Construction Management Services Proposal - ST-0044-M01

For further information on NJSDA, please visit us at “”.
DATE ADVERTISED: August 7, 2013
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