Notice of Request for Proposal for Project Management Services Related to School Construction Program
The New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) is seeking proposals
from firms interested in providing project management consulting services on
a regional basis for the management of the school facilities projects being
undertaken by the NJEDA in various school districts throughout the State of
New Jersey. The NJEDA has divided the State of New Jersey into eleven (11)
Regions. Each Region will have its own
Regional Project Management Firm (Regional PMF).
Pursuant to this notice, the NJEDA is seeking to obtain Regional PMF's for the final six (6) of the eleven (11) Regions. These six Regions are: Essex County (Except for the City of Newark); Hudson County (except for the City of Jersey City); Northern (except for the City of Paterson); Eastern (Except for the City of Elizabeth); Western; and Southern (except for the City of Camden.) A firm may submit Proposals
for one or more of these Regions, but the firm must provide an order of preference as to all Regions for which it submits Proposals. A firm is eligible to
serve as a Regional PMF for a maximum of two Regions out of the eleven regions, but only for one region out of these six.
Each Regional PMF will be assigned an initial set of School Facilities Projects. The construction cost estimates for such sets of School Facilities Projects will vary according to Region. In addition, during a three-year period commencing on the engagement of the
Regional PMF, the Authority may, at its option, assign additional School Facilities Projects within the Region to the Regional PMF, consistent with an aggregate
construction cost estimate as specified for such Region.
A Request for Proposals (RFP) for these services will be available for pick-up starting Wednesday, October 24, 2001, between the hours of 9:00a.m.and 4:30 p.m. at the front desk of the offices of NJEDA, 36 West State Street, Trenton, New Jersey 08625.
A mandatory pre-proposal conference for firms wishing to submit Proposals is scheduled for Monday, October 29, 2001, at 10:00 a.m. The conference will be held at Edison State College, Prudence Hall, 101 West State Street, Trenton, New Jersey.
Completed RFP responses must be received by 2:00 p.m. on the closing date of November 15, 2001. A Proposal shall consist of a technical proposal and a fee proposal. Completed RFP responses must be mailed to: New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Attention Paul Staudt, Jr., R.A., Director Contract Procurement, P.O. Box 990, Trenton, New Jersey 089625-0990, or delivered by hand to 36 West State Street, Trenton, New Jersey.
Limitation on Eligibility: In order to be considered for selection, a firm must be pre-qualified by the NJEDA in the specialty of Construction
Management with a rating of 'unlimited'. All joint venture firms and sub-consultants must be separately pre-qualified and at least one of the joint venture firms must have a pre-qualification rating of "unlimited'.
Set Aside Requirement: The Regional PMF shall ensure that Small Business Enterprises (SBE's), Minority-owned businesses (MBE's) and women-owned
businesses (WBE's) have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of this engagement and shall make a good-faith effort to achieve the Authority's set aside goals of 15% SBE, 7% MBE and 3% WBE.
Submittal Requirement: Firms responding to this announcement must meet all the requirements described in this announcement and the RFP, to be
considered eligible for selection.
Selection Process: Non-responsive Proposals will be rejected without
evaluation. Responsive Proposals will be evaluated by a Selection Committee based on the following criteria:
- Understanding of the School Facilities Projects
- Experience and qualifications of the firm (or team)
- Proposed Staffing
- Experience and qualification of identified key personnel in providing school related and similar services
- Approach to this engagement
- Approach to Control of the Schedule and Budget
Interviews may be conducted at the option of the NJEDA. Following the interview process, if any, the NJEDA will negotiate with the firm having the
highest final technical ranking for each Region in order to procure the required services at a fair and reasonable cost. If negotiations are unsuccessful, negotiations will be terminated and started with the second ranked firm and so on until a contract for services is successfully negotiated.
After the contracts are awarded, all firms may request a debriefing and will be afforded an opportunity to review all Proposals, evaluation documents and recommendations of award.
The NJEDA has no obligation to make an award and reserves the right to waive any non-material defects, reject any or all Proposals for any reason, or to
terminate the selection process at any time.
Bidders are required to comply with the requirements of P.L. 1975.c.127 and any regulations promulgated there under.