State of New Jersey - NJ Schools Development Authority
Contract No. Contract Name & Location School District
NE-0067-M01 Elliott Street Elementary School Newark

The New Jersey Schools Development Authority ("NJSDA") is seeking to engage a firm that will provide Construction Management Services for the following package:

Package Number: NE-0067-M01
School District: Newark
Package Name: Elliott Street School
Construction Cost Estimate: $40,000,000
Prime Discipline: Construction Management
Minimum Rating: N/A
Description: New Construction

The RFQ package is available at the link below:

                                        Click here for electronic copies

This RFQ is the first of a two-step process outlined below:

  1. The bidder must first respond to the RFQ. Shortlisted firms will be sent a Request for Proposals (RFP).
  2. Request for Proposals (RFP). The SDA will issue an RFP to firms that are shortlisted through the RFQ process.

In order to be included in the selection process a firm must be classified by the Department of Treasury, division of Property Management and Construction and pre-qualified by the NJSDA in the following discipline as of the due date for this RFQ:

                                                        Construction Management

A Mandatory Pre-bid Meeting for shortlisted firms is tentatively scheduled on Monday, March 2, 2009, 10:00am at the NJSDA Newark Regional Office.

Interviews for shortlisted firms are tentatively scheduled for Friday, March 6, 2009 at the NJSDA Newark Regional Office.

The NJSDA requires the construction manager to provide opportunitites to SBE firms to participate in the performance of this engagement, consistent with NJSDA's SBE Set-Aside Goals of 25% (5% to Category 4, 10% to Category 5 and the remaining 10% to be allocated among Category 4 and/or 5).

The deadline for submission of proposals is 5:00PM Friday, March 6, 2009. Proposals may be submitted by hand or by overnight mail. FAXED PROPOSALS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. PROPOSALS RECEIVED AFTER THE ABOVE DATE AND TIME WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

Proposals will be evaluated based upon the Construction Manager, Assistant Construction Manager and Field Engineer/Inspector having the following criteria:

  1. Overall Team Resume;
  2. Team CM experience;
  3. Team NJ school experience;
  4. Team governmental construction experience;
  5. Team experience with NJDEP & NJDCA;
  6. SBE compliance.

If a firm wishes to participate in the selection process for future projects but is not presently pre-qualified by the NJSDA please submit a Prequalification Questionnaire, which may be found at

DATE ADVERTISED: February 4, 2009

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