State of New Jersey - NJ Schools Development Authority
Contract No. Contract Name & Location School District
NE-0001-Y01 Science Park H.S. Newark

The New Jersey Schools Development Authority (the "NJSDA") is seeking to engage the services of an expert consultant to perform special inspector services for the smoke control system at Newark's Science Park High School in accordance with International Building Code 2000, Section 909.

The contract will be as follows:

Package Number: NE-0001-Y01
Package Name: Special Inspector Services
NJSDA Prequalification: None Required*

*Please Note:
Pursuant to the International Building Code 2000, New Jersey Edition, § 909.18.8.2 Qualifications (Smoke Control Systems), “Special inspection agencies for smoke control shall have expertise in fire protection engineering, mechanical engineering, and have certification as air balancers.” Subsection 1702.1, 1703.1.1 and 1704.14 (Structural Tests and Special Inspections) details the relationship of a design professional acting as the approved agency/special inspector, the independence of the approved agency and the testing scope and qualifications of the inspector. The consultant who is awarded this work will need the approval of the DCA.

The RFP package is available at the link below:

Click here for electronic copies.

A Mandatory Site Visit will be held on Monday, July 25, 2011 at 1:30PM at the Science Park High School, 260 Norfolk Street, Newark, NJ 07102. All firms wishing to submit a proposal must attend the mandatory site visit. Questions and/or concerns relating to the RFP may be submitted via e-mail to by 5:00 PM on Tuesday, July 26, 2011.

Anyone who attended the previous MANDATORY pre-bid on Wednesday, July 13th, 2011 need NOT attend the July 25, 2011 Mandatory pre-bid.

Completed Proposals MUST be received NO LATER than 5:00 PM on Tuesday, August 2, 2011, and may be mailed or hand delivered as set forth in the RFP.

Proposing firms MUST submit a true copy of their valid business registration certificate issued by the New Jersey Division of Revenue.

NJSDA will review proposals to determine if a firm meets the following minimum qualifications:

  1. Firm must be qualified to perform the services of a Special Inspector in New Jersey in accordance with International Building Code 2000, New Jersey Edition § 909.18.8.2, 1702.1, 1703.1.1 and 1704.14.

  2. Firm must have successfully performed the role of Special Inspector for smoke control in accordance with International Building Code 2000, section 909 on at least four (4) projects.

  3. The proposed Special Inspector shall have successfully completed two (2) smoke control system inspection projects and has ten (10) years of experience in fire protection engineering.

  4. Certification of Key Team Member performing air balancing

In the event that the NJSDA determines, at its sole discretion, that additional site visits need to be held in order to increase the pool of bidders, it shall schedule subsequent site visits.

Following the Technical Qualifications Proposal review, the Price Proposals of qualified firms will be opened and reviewed by the NJSDA. The lowest Price Proposal received from the qualified firms will be awarded the work.

In addition, to be selected, a firm must be approved for moral integrity pursuant to a review by the New Jersey State Police. Bidders must comply with the requirements of P.L. 2005, c. 51, and implementing rules.

DATE ADVERTISED: July 18, 2011

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