State of New Jersey - NJ Schools Development Authority
Contract No. Contract Name & Location School District
GP-0061-R01 Internal Auditor Services Procurement Various
Internal Auditing Services ADVERTISEMENT



Internal Auditing Services

The New Jersey Schools Construction Corporation (NJSCC), a subsidiary of the New Jersey Economic Development Authority, seeks to engage a firm (Consultant) to provide internal auditing services. Specifically, the Consultant will be required to assess the NJSCCs internal control environment and control activities and to formulate a risk assessment of NJSCC operations and its major business processes. The Consultant will also perform regular internal financial, operational and information system audits, as established by the Audit Committee of the NJSCC Board of Directors. In addition, the Consultant will be required to perform compliance audits of NJSCC contracts.

The contract will be as follows.

  Contract Number:    GP-0061-R01
Program Name:    Internal Auditing Services
Contract Duration:    3-year term; two 1-year extensions at NJSCC option
Program Budget for Initial 3-Year Engagement:    $2 million
Program Budget for Extensions (NJSCC Option):    $500,000/each additional year
NJSCC Prequalification:     None Required

The RFP package for these services will be available for pick-up starting at 8:30 AM on Wednesday, July 6, 2005, and continuing between the hours of 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM at the reception desk of the offices of the NJSCC, First Floor, 1 West State Street (the Wachovia Bank Building), Trenton, New Jersey 08625.

The RFP package is also available on the NJSCCs website, at

The NJSCC will not hold a traditional pre-proposal conference for this procurement. All firms wishing to submit a proposal must sign in electronically by sending a mandatory e-mail notice of intent to participate to Sandor Havran at, no later than 5:00 PM on Wednesday, July 13, 2005.

Click here to view this advertisement and related documents in electronic format

Click here to view a copy of the SCC 2003 Annual Report

Firms may submit questions to the NJSCC by sending them by email to Sandor Havran at, no later than 5:00 PM on Wednesday, July 13, 2005. All questions, and the answers, will be provided electronically to each firm that submitted a timely e-mail notice of intent to participate.

Completed Proposals must be received by 2:00 PM on Tuesday, July 26, 2005, and may be mailed or hand delivered as set forth in the RFP.

Proposing firms must submit a true copy of their valid business registration certificate issued by the New Jersey Division of Revenue.

Evaluation Criteria: Submissions that are not responsive will be rejected without evaluation. Responsive submissions will be ranked pursuant to the following evaluation criteria:

  1. Understanding of the Project
  2. Firm Experience - Case Studies
  3. Experience of Key Team Members
  • Case Study #1
  • Case Study #2
  • Case Study #3
  4. Approach to Providing the Required Services
  5. Approach to Control of Schedule and Budget

In addition, to be selected, a firm must be approved for moral integrity, pursuant to a review by the Office of Government Integrity, as set forth in the RFP.

Bidders must comply with the requirements of P.L. 1975, c. 127 and P.L. 2005, c. 51, and implementing rules.

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