State of New Jersey - NJ Schools Development Authority
Contract No. Contract Name & Location School District
GP-0051-R01 Relocation Services - Central Region - Round 2 Various


Click here to view this Relocation Services and Regional Property Management Services RFP in PDF format
Click here to view Relocation Services and Regional Property Management Services Attachments PDF format

For Regional Relocation Services and Regional Property Management Services and
State-Wide Property Acquisition Services
The New Jersey Schools Construction Corporation (NJSCC), a subsidiary of the New Jersey Economic Development Authority, seeks to award four three-year contracts with the option, exercisable solely by the NJSCC, for two one-year renewals, to firms (each, a Relocation Consultant) that will provide relocation and property management services on a regional basis in connection with land acquisitions necessitated by the massive program of school construction (the School Construction Program) mandated by the Educational Facilities Construction and Financing Act, P.L. 2000, c. 72. The Corporation also seeks to obtain, on an as-needed basis, certain property acquisition services, chiefly in the form of closely supervised assistance with land purchase negotiations, from each firm selected as a Relocation Consultant
The RFP will initiate the NJSCCs second procurement of relocation and property management services. Currently, the NJSCC has three three-year contracts for relocation services and property management services provided on a regional basis in three (3) regions covering the State of New Jersey. The procurement of property acquisition services, advertised herein, is new.
The contracts will be as follows. RFP Attachment A provides a list of the counties included within each of the four Regions:
Contract Numbers:
         Contract #GP-0049-R01 (North Relocation Consultant)
       Contract #GP-0050-R01 (North-Central Relocation Consultant)
       Contract #GP-0051-R01 (Central Relocation Consultant)
       Contract #GP-0052-R01 (South Relocation Consultant)
  Program Name: Regional Relocation Services and Regional Property
       Management Services and Statewide Property Acquisition Services
  Contract Duration: 3-year term; two 1-year extensions at NJSCC option
  Program Budget for Initial 3-Year Engagement:
         North Region shall not exceed $15 million
       North-Central Region shall not exceed $15 million
       Central Region shall not exceed $15 million
       South Region shall not exceed $10 million
  Program Budget for Each Additional Year (NJSCC Option)
         North Region shall not exceed $5 million
       North-Central Region shall not exceed $5 million
       Central Region shall not exceed $5 million
       South Region shall not exceed $3 million
  NJSCC Prequalification: None Required
Firms currently engaged as NJSCC relocation consultants may respond to this RFP.
The RFP package for these services will be available for pick-up starting at noon on Friday, September 3, 2004, and continuing between the hours of 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM at the reception desk of the offices of the NJSCC, First Floor, 1 West State Street (the Wachovia Bank Building), Trenton, New Jersey 08625.
The RFP package is also available on the NJSCCs website, at

A mandatory pre-proposal conference for firms wishing to submit proposals is scheduled for Tuesday, September 28, 2004 at 10:00 AM. The conference will be held at the NJSCCs Offices, 1 West State Street, Trenton, New Jersey 08625.  Click here to view NOTICE OF 2nd CHANGE IN THE MANDATORY PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE DATE PDF format

Completed Proposals must be received by 2:00 PM on Thursday, October 21, 2004, and may be mailed or hand delivered as set forth in the RFP.
Evaluation Criteria: Non-responsive submissions will be rejected without evaluation.
Responsive submissions will be ranked pursuant to the following evaluation criteria
  Understanding of the Required Services
Experience of Firm (prime and any subcontracted firms)
         A. Experience Providing Relocation Services:
          1. General Experience
          2. New Jersey Experience
       B. Experience Providing Property Management Services:
          1. General Experience
          2. New Jersey Experience
       C. Experience Providing Property Acquisition Services
Experience of Key Team Members
Resumes of Three Proposed Negotiators
          A. Approach to Relocation Services
          B. Approach to Property Management Services
          C. Approach to Property Acquisition Services
Approach to Scheduling and Budgeting
In addition, to be selected, a firm must be approved for moral integrity, pursuant to a review by the Office of Government Integrity, as set forth in the RFP.
Bidders must comply with the requirements of P.L. 1975, c. 127, and its implementing rules.
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