State of New Jersey - NJ Schools Development Authority
Contract No. Contract Name & Location School District
GP-0013-R01 Contractor Trng Svcs - East Various - East

Notice of Request for Proposals
For a
Program of MBE/WBE/SBE Contractor Development Training Services
For Bidding on School Facilities Projects

Contract Numbers: GP-0010-R01; GP-0011-R01; GP-0013-R01

Click here to view this RFP in PDF format
Click here to view Contractor Training Attachments PDF format

The New Jersey Schools Construction Corporation ("Corporation"), a subsidiary of the New Jersey Economic Development Authority ("NJEDA"), is seeking proposals from firms interested in providing contractor development training services in order to develop and deliver a program of training courses for minority, women, and small business enterprises ("MBE/WBE/SBE Firms") that require Corporation "classification" or "prequalification" and other assistance in order to bid effectively on School Facilities Projects. The Educational Facilities Construction and Financing Act authorizes the Corporation to initiate approximately $8 Billion of school construction over the next 10 years, and the program of contractor development training courses is intended to assist MBE/WBE/SBE Firms in participating in that process.

Pursuant to this notice, the Corporation is seeking proposals from firms providing contractor development training services in order to develop and deliver a program of training courses for minority, women, and small business enterprises ("MBE/WBE/SBE Firms") that require SCC "classification" or "prequalification" and other assistance in order to bid effectively on School Facilities Projects.

For purposes of this engagement, the State has been divided into six regions (each a "Region"): Essex Region, Hudson Region, Northern Region, Southern Region, Eastern Region, and Western Region. Three regions had been awarded at an earlier date: Essex Region, Southern Region and Western Region. This RFP seeks proposals solely for the remaining three Regions: Hudson Region, Northern Region, and Eastern Region.

No firm may be engaged for more than two (2) of the above six (6) Regions, pursuant to the two RFPs. A firm may bid on more than one Region, but the firm must provide an order of preference for all Regions on which it bids. The engagement will extend for a two-year term, during which four Contractor Development Training Courses of eight sessions each are to be provided in each assigned Region.

Request for Proposals: The Request for Proposals ("RFP") for contractor development training services will be available for pick-up starting at 12 Noon, Monday, December 15, 2003, and continuing between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:30 PM at the reception desk of the offices of the Corporation, located at 1 West State Street (the Wachovia Bank Building), 2nd Floor, Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0991. Copies of the RFP will also be available on the Corporation's website at

Please take notice that a mandatory pre-proposal conference is scheduled for Tuesday, January 6, 2004 at 1PM. The conference will be held at offices of the New Jersey Economic Development Authority, 36 West State Street, Trenton, New Jersey 08625.

Completed Technical Proposals and Fee Proposals for Contractor Development Training Services, as well as completed "OGI Questionnaires" (for review by the Office of Government Integrity, as discussed in the RFP), must be received by 5:00 p.m. on the closing date of Tuesday, January 27, 2004. Completed submissions may be mailed or hand delivered as set forth below.

Mailing Address:
New Jersey Schools Construction Corporation
Attn: Mr. Sandor Havran, Project Officer
Contract Procurement & Administration
P.O. Box 991
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0991

Hand Delivery Address:
New Jersey Schools Construction Corporation
Attn: Mr. Sandor Havran, Project Officer
1 West State Street (the Wachovia Bank Building), 2nd Floor
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0991



Eligibility: The services sought in the RFP are not subject to Corporation pre-qualification requirements. Selections shall be based on qualifications presented.

Set Asides: The successful firm shall be required to make a good faith effort to meet the overall 25% small business enterprise ("SBE") set-aside target recently established by the New Jersey Commerce and Economic Growth Commission in rules codified in the Administrative Code at N.J.A.C. 12A:10-1.1 et seq., and Executive Order No. 71 (McGreevey 2003). The RFP sets forth details of the SBE information that must be submitted, and firms must pay close attention to these requirements.

Selection Process: Non-responsive submissions will be rejected without evaluation. A Selection Committee will evaluate responsive submissions based on the following evaluation criteria:

(1) Firm's Understanding of the Project;
(2) Experience of Firm (Prime and subconsultant) and Case Study;
(3) Experience of Key Team Members;
(4) Project Approach;
(5) Firm's Approach to Scheduling and Budgeting.

Firms will receive a final technical ranking based on the above-described evaluation process, except that, at its sole option, the Corporation may conduct interviews. Following the interviews, if any, the final technical scores and rankings shall be determined, based on the evaluation criteria.

Following the final technical ranking, Fee Proposals will be opened and evaluated by Corporation Staff. Using the Fee Proposals as a guide, Staff shall negotiate with the highest technically ranked firm. Should the Corporation be unable to negotiate satisfactorily with that firm, negotiations will be terminated and started with the next-highest ranked firm, and so on until a contract is successfully negotiated, or the selection process is terminated. After the award of a contract, all firms may request a debriefing.

The Corporation has no obligation to make an award, and reserves the right to waive any non-material defects, reject any Proposals for any reason, or terminate the selection process at any time.

Bidders are required to comply with the requirements of P.L. 1975, c. 127, and any of its implementing regulations.

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