State of New Jersey - NJ Schools Development Authority
Contract No. Contract Name & Location School District
GP-0009-R01 Contractor Trng Svcs -Essex Essex


Notice of Request for Proposals  



For A

Program of MBE/WBE/SBE Contractor Training Courses

For Bidding on School Facilities Projects

  Contract Numbers: GP-0009-R01; GP-0010-R01; GP-0011-R01; GP-0012-R01; GP-0013-R01; GP-0014-R01

Through this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) the New Jersey Economic Development

Authority (“EDA”) is seeking proposals from firms providing contractor training services

in order to develop and deliver a program of training courses for minority, women, and

small business enterprises (“MBE/WBE/SBE Firms”) that require EDA “classification”

or “prequalification” and other assistance in order to bid effectively on School Facilities

Projects. The Educational Facilities Construction and Financing Act authorizes the EDA

to initiate approximately $8 Billion of school construction over the next 10 years, and the

program of Contractor Training Courses is intended to assist MBE/WBE/SBE Firms in

participating in that process.

For purposes of this engagement, the State has been divided into six regions (each a

“Region”): Essex Region, Hudson Region, Northern Region, Southern Region, Eastern

Region, and Western Region. A maximum of two Regions may be awarded to one firm.

A firm may bid on more than one Region, but the firm must provide an order of

preference for all Regions on which it bids. The engagement will extend for a two- year

term, during which four Contractor Training Courses of eight sessions each are to be

provided in each assigned Region.


Copies of the RFP will be available at the EDA offices, 1 West State Street (the First

Union Bank Building), 2 nd Floor, Trenton, New Jersey, starting at 12 Noon on June 24,



A Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference will be held on Tuesday, July 2, 2002 at 2 PM

at the EDA offices, 36 West State Street, Trenton, New Jersey.


Completed Proposals must be received by 2:00 pm on the closing date of Thursday,

July 18, 2002. A Proposal shall consist of a Technical Proposal and a Fee Proposal.

Completed Proposals may be mailed to: New Jersey Economic Development Authority,

1 West State Street, 2 nd Floor, P. O. Box 991, Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0991,

Attention Andrew Yosha, Director, Contract Procurement & Administration, or ha nd

delivered to the EDA offices, at 1 West State Street (the First Union Bank Building), 2 nd

Floor, Trenton, New Jersey.


Faxed Proposals will not be accepted.

Proposals received after the above date and time will be returned unopened.

Selection Process: Non-responsive Proposals will be rejected without evaluation. A

Selection Committee will evaluate responsive Proposals, based on price and the

following other criteria:


1. Understanding of the Project

2. Experience of Firms (Primes and Sub-Consultants)

3. Experience of Key Team Members

4. Appropriateness of Staffing

5. Project Approach

6. Firm’s Approach to Scheduling and Budget


Interviews may be conducted at the option of the EDA. Following the interview process,

if any, the EDA will negotiate with the firm having the highest final technical ranking for

each Region in order to procure the required services at a fair and reasonable cost. If

negotiations are unsuccessful, negotiations will be terminated and started with the second

ranked firm and so on until a contract is successfully negotiated.


The EDA reserves the right to waive any non- material defects, reject all proposals for any reason, and terminate the selection process at any time.


After award of contracts, all firms may request a debriefing and will be afforded the

opportunity to review all Proposals, evaluation documents, and award recommendations.

Firms submitting proposals are required to comply with the requirements of P.L. 1975, c.

127 (N.J.A.C. 17:27) pertaining to affirmative action and equal employment opportunity.

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