State of New Jersey - NJ Schools Development Authority
Contract No. Contract Name & Location School District
ET-0065-M01 Horbelt-Collins-Dunfee Additions Barnegat Township

On February 21, 2008 the New Jersey Schools Development Authority ("NJSDA") selected a short list of firms which will be invited to submit Technical and Fee Proposals for Construction Management Services for the projects described below:

Package Number: ET-0065-M01 & ET-0063-M01
Project Name: Collins ES/Dunfee ES/Horbelt ES & Brackman MS
School District: Barnegat
Construction Cost Estimate: $15,878,000 & $16,197,777

Package Number: ES-0018-M02
Project Name: ES #5
School District: East Orange
Construction Cost Estimate: $27,275,886

Prime Discipline: Construction Management
Rating: $25M - Unlimited

General Description of Package: Additions & Renovation and Demolition

In order to be included in the selection process a firm must be prequalified by the NJSDA in construction management on or prior to February 28, 2008.

      Construction Management

Proposals will be evaluated by the following criteria:

  1. Price
  2. Team Knowledge of construction in general
  3. Team knowledge of SDA policies & procedures
  4. SBE compliance
  5. Commissioning knowledge/expertise

If a firm wishes to participate in the selection process for future projects but is not presently pre-qualified by the NJSDA please submit a Prequalification Questionnaire,which may be found at

DATE ADVERTISED: February 26, 2008

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