State of New Jersey - NJ Schools Development Authority
Contract No. Contract Name & Location School District
ES-0004-M01 Clifford J. School H.S. Rehab East Orange

On January 8, 2008 the New Jersey Schools Development Authority ("NJSDA") electronically selected a short list of firms which will be invited to submit Proposals for the Construction Management Services of the project described below:

Package Number: ES-0004-M01
School District: East Orange
Package Name: Clifford J. Scott H.S.

Prime Discipline: Construction Management
Minimum Rating: $3,000,000

Description : Construction Management Services for the construction of Clifford J. Scott High School in the East Orange School District.

Proposals will be evaluated by the Selection Committee based upon the following criteria:

  1. Price
  2. Qualifications of Key Team Members
  3. Knowledge of SDA Policies & Procedures
  4. SBE Compliance

If a firm wishes to participate in the selection process for future projects but is not presently pre-qualified by the NJSDA please go to our website, which may be found at

DATE ADVERTISED: January 22, 2008

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