Sealed bid proposals will be received by the New Jersey Schools Construction Corporation(“NJSCC”) at their offices listed below for the following work:
Contract No.: ET-0002-C02
Contract Name: Barnegat HS Additions/Renovations
District: Barnegat
County: Ocean
No. of Schools: 1 (Barnegat High School)
CCE Range: $ 11,159,600 - $11,717,580
Brief description of work: Additions and alterations to Barnegat High School. Project includes a gymnasium addition and a classroom addition to the existing Barnegat HS. Both additions will match the construction of the existing school, concrete masonry unit construction with steel skeletal frame, with EPDM roofing. Alterations included but are not limited to the connection points to the existing building. Renovations and additions to existing parking lots. The complete construction of practice athletic field adjacent to the main parking lot, additional security cameras at the second floor of the existing classroom wing, construction of a roadway guard rail, construction of fencing along paved access road leading up to the track and field.
This work will be bid and constructed as a single overall contract (one lump sum for all trades).
This contract will be subject to the terms of a PROJECT LABOR AGREEMENT. The PROJECT LABOR AGREEMENT will be included in the contract and is available at the NJSCC web site
Bid proposals for the above work will be received from bidders registered with the Division of Revenue and Department of Labor, and classified by the Department of Treasury, Division of Property Management and Construction and the NJSCC in the following trade(s):
General Contractor with a DPMC Classification of C006, C008 or C009 who will be required to also have the following DPMC Specialty Trade(s) or required to engage a subcontractor classified in the following DPMC Specialty Trade(s) if not possessed by the General Contractor:
HVAC: C039
Plumbing: C030
Electrical: C047
Structural Steel:
Bid proposals must list the names of the firms who meet the above classification(s).
Bids will be received until
August 24, 2006 at 2:00 PM (local time) at which time the bids will be publicly opened and the lump sum base bid price submitted by each bidder will be read. Any bid proposal received after this date and time will be returned unopened.
mandatory pre-bid conference will be held as follows:
Pre-Bid Date: July 19, 2006
Pre-Bid Time: 10:00 AM (local time)
Pre-Bid Place: Barnegat BOE Office
550 Barnegat Blvd.
Barnegat , NJ 08005
In addition to the mandatory pre-bid conference, all bidders on this project will be required to complete a project rating evaluation form and submit the completed Project Rating Proposal (PRP) evaluation form by 5:00 PM (local time) on
July 26, 2006 to Susan Brown at the below NJSCC address:
If U.S. Mail:
P.O. Box 991
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0991
If Fed Ex, UPS, Courier, Hand Delivery:
1 West State Street
First Floor (Wachovia Bank Building)
Trenton, NJ 08625-0991
Copies of the Project Rating Proposal forms are available from the PMF or the NJSCC at the Pre-Bid meeting.
Plans and specifications may be inspected or obtained as of July 12 , 2006 for a non-refundable fee of $250.00 for each set of documents, during regular business hours, from:
Gilbane Building Co.
3301B RT66
Neptune, New Jersey 07753
Checks shall be made payable to the NJSCC.
Bidders are required to comply with the requirements of P.L. 1975, c. 127 (N.J.A.C. 17:27), pertaining to affirmative action and equal employment opportunity.
The NJSCC requires the contractor to provide opportunities to SBE firms to participate in the performance of this engagement, consistent with NJSCC’s SBE Set-Aside Goals of 25% (5% to Category 4, 10% to Category 5, and the remaining 10% to be allocated among Category 4 and/or Category 5). To be registered in Category 4, a business must have gross revenues that do not exceed $1 million. To be registered in Category 5, a business must have gross revenues exceeding $1 million. The Small Business Administration size standards are established at 13 C.F.R. 121.201.
The NJSCC will not permit a firm engaged by the NJSCC as a project management firm (“PMF”) to bid as a prime or act as a sub-contractor for this NJSCC managed project. Subconsultants to the PMFs are prohibited from working as primes or subcontractors in the region(s) for which they are on a PMF team.
The NJSCC requires all subcontractors of any tier in the DPMC Trade Classifications listed below whose contract is in an amount which is equal to or greater than $500,000 be pre-qualified by the NJSCC.
C006 - CM as Constructor
C007 - Design Build
C008 - General Contractor
C009 - GC/Alterations & Additions
C019 - Concrete/Foundation/Footings/Masonry work
C021 - Demolition
C029 - Structural Steel
C030 - Plumbing
C039 - HVAC
C045 - Sprinkler Systems
C047 - Electrical
C066 - Roofing-Membrane EPDM
C067 - Roofing-Membrane PVC/CPE/CSPE
C068 - Roofing-Membrane Modified Bitumen
C069 - Roofing-Urethane
C070 - Roofing-Built Up
C071 - Roofing-Metal
C072 - Roofing-Tile/Slate/Shingles
C092 - Asbestos Removal/Treatment
C093 - Asbestos Removal/Mechanical
C096 - Lead Paint Abatement
For further information on NJSCC, please visit us at “”.
DATE ADVERTISED: June 21, 2006