State of New Jersey - NJ Schools Development Authority
Contract No. Contract Name & Location School District
JE-0016-A01 PS 3 Elementary School, MS 4 Middle School Jersey City


The New Jersey Schools Development Authority (“NJSDA”) is seeking the services of a qualified Design Consultant ("Consultant" ) to investigate, recommend and design appropriate and cost effective solutions to address various building and equipment issues impacting the Frank R. Conwell Public School No. 3 (PS#3), and the Frank R. Conwell Middle School No. 4 (MS4) located in the Jersey City School District. Specifically, the Design Consultant will plan, manage, perform and report on the findings via a deliverable report to the NJSDA in accordance with the project Schedule. The professional services shall be performed in a transparent manner with the input of the district, the building engineer and the operations staff to the greatest degree possible. This type of approach will assure that the recommendations resulting from the design activities will be implemented during the construction phase.

      Package Number:       JE-0016-A01
      Package Name:       Design Consultant Services
      District:       Jersey City
      Schools:       PS#3 and MS4

The RFP package is available at the following link: Click here for electronic copies.

To participate in the selection process:

1. A firm must attend a mandatory pre-bid meeting on Thursday, June 7, 2012 at 11:00 AM at the PS#3/MS4 School site located at 111/107 Bright Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302. A site visit of both schools will be conducted immediately following the pre-bid meeting. All firms wishing to submit a proposal must attend the pre-bid meeting. Questions and/or concerns relating to the provisions of the Agreement may only be addressed at the pre-bid meeting. All pre-bid meeting attendees are to report to the security desk at PS#3, 111 Bright Street where they will be directed to the meeting venue. Attendees are advised that they are responsible for their own parking provisions while attending this meeting and should therefore plan accordingly. Attendees should allow sufficient time for traffic conditions and parking.

In the event that the NJSDA determines, at its sole discretion, that additional pre-bid meetings need to be held in order to increase the pool of bidders, it shall schedule subsequent pre-bid meetings.

2. A firm must be classified by the Department of Treasury, Division of Property Management and Construction and prequalified by the NJSDA in Architecture (P001) as of the RFP submittal due date. All joint venture firms must be separately prequalified and at least one of the joint venture firms must have an NJSDA prequalification in the Architecture discipline.

The Architectural prime consultant shall be prequalified or engage prequalified sub-consultants in the following required disciplines:

  • Electrical Engineering (P002)
  • HVAC Engineering (P003)
  • Plumbing Engineering (P004)
  • Civil Engineering (P005)
  • Structural Engineering (P007)
  • Land Surveying (P015)

  • All firms (architectural prime consultant and named subconsultants in the required disciplines) must have a current NJSDA prequalification in the specialty discipline(s) for which it is named on the date submissions are due.

    If a firm is not prequalified, it may obtain information on becoming prequalified here.

    If a firm or joint-venture entity submits a Technical Proposal as a prime consultant for this engagement, neither the firm nor members of the joint-venture entity shall submit or be named as a prime consultant, as a member of a joint-venture entity or as a subconsultant on any other Technical Proposal submitted for this engagement. The NJSDA will not permit a firm or joint-venture entity, who submits a Technical Proposal as a prime consultant for this engagement, to be named as a prime consultant, as a member of a joint-venture entity or as a subconsultant on any other Technical Proposal submitted for this engagement.

    3. Firms are required to comply with the requirements of P.L. 1975, c.127 (N.J.A.C. 17:27), pertaining to affirmative action and equal employment opportunity.

    4. The selected firm shall be required to make good faith efforts to ensure that small business enterprises (SBEs) have the maximum practicable opportunity to participate in the performance of this engagement. A 25% target has been established pursuant to N.J.A.C. 17:13 et seq.

    5. A firm must submit one (1) unbound original and five (5) copies of the Technical Proposal no later than 5:00 PM on Thursday, June 21, 2012 as follows:

    If submitting by hand or overnight delivery, at the:

    1 West State Street – 1st Floor
    Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0991
    Attention: James McElhenny, Procurement
    Subject: Design Consultant Services Proposal
    Project: JE-0016-A01

    If submitting by U.S. Mail, address packages to:

    P.O. Box 991
    Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0991
    Attention: James McElhenny, Procurement
    Subject: Design Consultant Services Proposal
    Project: JE-0016-A01

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Faxed or e-mailed Technical Proposals will not be accepted. Technical Proposals received after the above date and time will be returned unopened.

    Responsive Technical Proposals will be evaluated by the Selection Committee. Non-responsive Technical Proposals will be rejected without evaluation. The evaluation will be based upon the information provided by a firm in response to this RFP, and any necessary verification thereof. Evaluations will be based on the following criteria:

    • Project Understanding (20 points)
    • Project Approach (30 points)
    • School Facilities Repair and Renovation Experience (20 points)
    • Team Qualifications (30 points)

    Respondents will receive a Technical Proposal Score based on the above described evaluation criteria. The scores of the Selection Committee members will be aggregated to obtain a Technical Proposal Score for each firm.

    The Technical Proposal Score will be the Final Technical Score, except that, at its sole option, the Selection Committee may conduct interviews. Following the interviews, if any, firms will again be evaluated by Selection Committee members, based on the evaluation criteria. Interview Scores will then be aggregated with Technical Proposal Scores to arrive at a Final Technical Score for each firm. Firms will be ranked in accordance with their Final Technical Score. At this time, respondents are advised that interviews are not being contemplated by the Selection Committee and that proposals shall therefore be prepared accordingly.

    After the contract is awarded, all firms who submitted proposals may request a debriefing and will be afforded an opportunity to review all proposals and evaluation documents.

    The NJSDA has no obligation to make an award and reserves the right to waive any non-material defects, reject any or all proposals for any reason and terminate the selection process at any time.

    In addition to all other requirements listed above, the NJSDA requires all subconsultants of any tier in the DPMC Disciplines listed below, whose contract is in an amount which is equal to or greater than $500,000, be pre-qualified by the NJSDA .

    P001 Architecture
    P002 Electrical Engineering
    P003 HVAC Engineering
    P004 Plumbing Engineering
    P005 Civil Engineering
    P007 Structural Engineering
    P011 Environmental Engineering
    P015 Land Surveying
    P029 Construction Management
    P038 Asbestos Safety Control Monitoring
    P066-P103 Materials Testing Laboratories

    DATE ADVERTISED: May 31, 2012

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