State of New Jersey - NJ Schools Development Authority
Contract No. Contract Name & Location School District
GP-0188-R01 Design Consultant Services N/A


The New Jersey Schools Development Authority (“NJSDA”) is seeking to procure Design Consultant services that will provide viable, cost effective solutions for projects involving emergent facilities conditions, capital improvement needs, or other limited scope tasks in a number of schools in several districts. This procurement is intended to create a selected pool of Design Consultants to permit expedited assignment or competitive selection and award of Task Orders for time-sensitive, limited-scope projects (e.g., design for renovation of existing school facilities, repair of emergent conditions, but not complete design of new school facilities projects) requiring predesign, design and/or construction administration services.

Contract No.:                        GP-0188-R01
Contract Name:                    Design Consultant Services for Emergent Projects, Capital Improvement Projects and Other School Facilities Projects

The RFP package is available at the following link: Click here for electronic copies.

Notice of Intent to Participate: Any firm wishing to submit a proposal must sign in electronically by sending a mandatory e-mail Notice of Intent to Participate to James McElhenny at no later than 5:00 PM Eastern Time on November 30, 2012.

Questions from Interested Firms: Firms may submit questions to the NJSDA by sending them by e-mail to James McElhenny at no later than 5:00 PM Eastern Time on November 30, 2012. The questions and NJSDA answers will be provided electronically to each firm that submitted a timely e-mail Notice of Intent to Participate.

To participate in the selection process:

1. Any firm responding to this RFP must be classified by the Department of Treasury, Division of Property Management and Construction ("DPMC") and prequalified by the NJSDA in the Architecture (P001) discipline with a rating of $10 million or greater as of the due date for responses to this RFP. All joint venture firms must be separately classified by DPMC and prequalified by NJSDA, and at least one of the joint venture firms must have a minimum prequalificaiton rating of $10,000,000 in the Architecture (P001) discipline as of the due date for responses to this RFP. If a firm is not prequalified, it may obtain information on becoming prequalified here.

2. The Architectural prime consultant shall have in-house DPMC classification and NJSDA prequalification or sub-consultants having DPMC classification and NJSDA prequalification in the following required disciplines as of the due date for responses to this RFP:

  • HVAC Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Plumbing Engineering
  • Structural Engineering
  • Asbestos Design, and
  • Asbestos Safety Control Monitoring

All firms (architectural prime consultant and named subconsultants in the required disciplines) must have a current DPMC classification and NJSDA prequalification in the specialty discipline(s) for which it is named on the date submissions are due.

3. Bidders are required to comply with the requirements of P.L. 1975, c.127 (N.J.A.C. 17:27), pertaining to affirmative action and equal employment opportunity.

4. The NJSDA requires the consultant to provide opportunities to SBE firms to participate in the performance of this engagement, consistent with NJSDA's SBE Set-Aside Goals of 25% (5% to Category 1, 5% to Category 2, 5% to Category 3 and the remaining 10% to be allocated among Categories 1,2 and 3).

5. To participate in the selection process, interested firms must submit one (1) unbound original and four (4) copies of the Proposal no later than 5:00 PM Eastern Time on Friday, December 14, 2012 as follows:

If submitting by hand or overnight delivery, at the:

1 West State Street – 1st Floor
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0991
Attention: James McElhenny, Procurement
Subject: Design Consultant Services Proposal
Project: GP-0188-R01

If submitting by U.S. Mail, address packages to:

P.O. Box 991
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0991
Attention: James McElhenny, Procurement
Subject: Design Consultant Services Proposal
Project: GP-0188-R01

IMPORTANT NOTE: Faxed or e-mailed Technical Proposals will not be accepted. Proposals received after the above date and time will be returned unopened.

Responsive Proposals will be evaluated by the Selection Committee. Non-responsive Proposals will be rejected without evaluation. The Selection Committee will evaluate responsive Proposals based upon the information provided by a firm in response to the RFP, and any necessary verification thereof. NJSDA reserves the right to schedule interviews of applicant firms as a part of the evaluation process, though interviews are not contemplated at this time. Submissions shall be evaluated on the following Evaluation Criteria:

  • Team Design Consultant Experience (40 points)
  • Team Approach to Pre-Design Investigation and Development of Cost Effective Alternatives (30 points)
  • Team Approach to Control of Budget and Schedule (30 points)

Following the final technical ranking, the top twenty (20) most highly-ranked firms will be determined and notified.

After the contracts are awarded, all firms who submitted proposals will be afforded an opportunity to review all proposals and evaluation documents.

The NJSDA has no obligation to make an award and reserves the right to waive any non-material defects, reject any or all proposals for any reason and terminate the selection process at any time.

In addition to requiring DPMC classification and NJSDA prequalification of subconsultants in the principal disciplines listed above regardless of their contract amounts, the NJSDA requires all subconsultants of any tier in the DPMC Disciplines listed below, whose contract is in an amount which is equal to or greater than $500,000, to be prequalified by the NJSDA.

P001 Architecture
P002 Electrical Engineering
P003 HVAC Engineering
P004 Plumbing Engineering
P005 Civil Engineering
P007 Structural Engineering
P011 Environmental Engineering
P015 Land Surveying
P029 Construction Management
P038 Asbestos Safety Control Monitoring
P066-P103 Materials Testing Laboratories

DATE ADVERTISED: November 20, 2012

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