Contract No. | Contract Name & Location | School District |
ET-0072-A01 | Bangs Avenue Elementary School | Asbury Park |
On September 1, 2004, the New Jersey Schools Construction Corporation ("NJSCC") will be electronically selecting a short list of firms which will be invited to submit Technical and Fee Proposals for the design of the project(s) described below:
Package Number: ET-0072-A01
School District: Asbury Park
Package Name: Bangs Avenue Elementary School
Construction Cost Estimate (for information purposes only): $17,125,000
Prime Discipline: Architecture
Minimum Rating: $15,000,000
The School Facilities Project shall be a new 71,309 gross square foot K thru 5 elementary school with a maximum capacity of 468 students (421 students functional capacity) plus staff. The project includes parking, site development and the complete demolition of the existing facility which is approximately 63,400 square feet.
In order to be included in the selection process, a firm must be prequalified by the NJSCC in the above discipline and have a minimum rating of $15,000,000 as of August 31, 2004.
The Consultant must be a firm prequalified by the NJSCC in the following areas or have sub-consultants prequalified by the NJSCC in the following areas:
The NJSCC will not permit the Regional PMF or the sub-consultants to the Regional PMF, who provide services to the NJSCC for the above school district, to be engaged as a prime or subcontractor for this engagement. The Regional PMF or the sub-consultants to the Regional PMF, who provide services to the NJSCC for the above school district, shall not submit or be named in a proposal or bid for this engagement.
Bidders are required to comply with the requirements of P.L. 1975, c.127 (N.J.A.C. 17:27), pertaining to affirmative action and equal employment opportunity
The NJSCC requires the consultant to provide opportunities to SBE firms to participate in the performance of this engagement, consistent with NJSCC’s SBE Set-Aside Goals of 25% (5% to Category 4, 10% to Category 5, and the remaining 10% to be allocated among Category 4 and/or Category 5). To be registered in Category 4, a business must have gross revenues that do not exceed $1 million. To be registered in Category 5, a business must have gross revenues exceeding $1 million. The Small Business Administration size standards are established at 13 C.F.R. 121.201.
In order to ensure the broad distribution of contracting opportunities, the SCC has modified its computerized random selection process that is utilized to short-list firms for Category 2 design procurements. Under the previous computerized selection process, the frequency with which a firm was short-listed was not taken into consideration. To achieve greater equity in contracting opportunities, the selection process has been modified as follows: Firms that were previously short-listed through computerized random selections will not be short-listed again, through that process, until all pre-qualified firms meeting the specific criteria assigned to a particular procurement are short-listed, thereby assuring that all firms will be given the opportunity to compete in Category 2 design procurements.
DATE ADVERTISED: August 27, 2004