State of New Jersey - NJ Schools Development Authority
Contract No. Contract Name & Location School District
ES-0043-A01 Cleveland Street E.S. Orange


The New Jersey Schools Development Authority (“NJSDA”) is seeking to procure Design Consultant services that will provide viable, cost effective solutions for the Cleveland Street Elementary School Project for the Orange School District in Orange, New Jersey. The Request for Proposals ("RFP") defines the steps needed for participation in this procurement, and is issued pursuant to the Authority's regulations governing the procurement of professional services consultants, N.J.A.C. 19:38C-1 et seq.

Contract No.:                        ES-0043-A01
Contract Name:                    Design Consultant Services for Cleveland Street ES
School District:                    Orange

Brief Description of Work:

The scope of services is for the engagement of a Design Consultant for Pre-Design Phase Services and, at the Authority's option, engagement for the Design and Construction Administration Phase Services related to the following scope of work:

1) The new construction of a 11,500 sf addition consisting of a new ground floor main entrance, multipurpose room with stage, prep kitchen with servery, 3 story link with elevator and boys and girls toilet rooms located on all three floors:
2) limited renovations to the existing school; and,
3) Investigation of a list of identified conditions in the existing elementary school.

Copies of the RFP documents can be downloaded by clicking the link below:

Click here for electronic copies.

Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference and Site Visit:

Any firm wishing to submit a proposal must attend a Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference and Site Visit at 11:00 AM Eastern Time on May 20, 2015 at Cleveland Elementary School, 355 Cleveland Street, Orange, NJ. In the event that the NJSDA determines, at its sole discretion, that additional pre-bid meetings need to be held in order to increase the pool of bidders, it shall schedule subsequent pre-bid meetings.

Questions from Interested Firms:

Firms may submit written questions regarding this procurement to the NJSDA by sending them by e-mail to Dave Kutch at no later than 5:00 PM Eastern Time on May 28, 2015. The questions and NJSDA answers will be provided via an addendum to the RFP to each firm attending the Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference and Site Visit.

To Participate in the Selection Process:

1.     Prequalification Requirements for Responding Firm and/or Subconsultants in Required Disciplines. Any firm responding to this RFP must be prequalified by the Department of Treasury, Division of Property Management and Construction ("DPMC) and the NJSDA in the Architecture (P001) discipline with a minimum $20,000,000 rating as of the due date for responses to the RFP.

In addition, the responding firm must itself be prequalified by DPMC and NJSDA in EACH of the following REQUIRED disciplines OR must identify as part of their Team subconsultants that are prequalified by DPMC and NJSDA, as of the due date for this RFP, in EACH of the following REQUIRED disciplines:

P002 Electrical Engineering
P003 HVAC Engineering
P004 Plumbing Engineering
P005 Civil Engineering
P007 Structural Engineering
P011 Environmental Engineering

The prequalification status for such REQUIRED subconsultants must be valid as of the due date for this RFP. The identified subconsultant(s) shall be engaged by the Responding Firm, as appropriate to the particular scope of services for this engagement, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement. RFP submissions must include, in the identification of Key Team Members, the names of any subconsultant firms that are proposed to meet the above prequalification criteria.

In the event the Responding Firm engages additional subconsultants within one of the above REQUIRED disciplines, beyond the prequalified subconsultants named in the Technical Proposal to satisfy the REQUIRED discipline participation criteria above, such additional subconsultants need not be DPMC and NJSDA prequalified UNLESS the contract value for such additional subconsultants in the above disciplines is in an amount equal to or greater than $500,000

Example: The Responding Firm names in the Technical Proposal an Electrical Engineering subconsultant ("Firm X") that is DPMC and NJSDA prequalified in the (P002) discipline, in order to meet the REQUIRED Electrical Engineering participation requirement above. The Responding Firm also engages, simultaneously or later in the project duration, other Electrical Electrical Engineering subconsultants ("Firm Y" and "Firm Z") IN ADDITION TO the prequalified Electrical Engineering subconsultant ("Firm X") identified in the Technical Proposal. Firm Y and Firm Z are NOT REQUIRED to be prequalified UNLESS either firm's subcontract value equals or exceeds $500,000.

Prequalification Requirements for Non-Required Subconsultants with Subcontracts of $500,000 or More. Responding Firms are NOT REQUIRED to be prequalified themselves in the following listed NON-REQUIRED disciplines, nor are Responding Firms required to engage subconsultants in the following listed NON-REQUIRED disciplines. However, if the Responding Firm chooses to engage a subconsultant in one of the following listed NON-REQUIRED disciplines for a subcontract amount that equals or exceeds $500,000, such subconsultant must be prequalified by DPMC and NJSDA, as of the date of its engagement:


P015 Land Surveying
P029 Construction Management
P038 Asbestos Safety Control Monitoring
P066-P103 Materials Testing Laboratories

Responding firms are directed to Section 2.3 of the RFP regarding required Key Team Members. All required Key Team Members must be identified on the Form 201, provided with the RFP, and a Form 202, provided with the RFP, must be submitted for each required Key Team Member.

Failure to identify required Key Team Members and/or failure to provide resumes for Key Team Members will result in rejection of the Technical Proposal as non-responsive and will disqualify the responding firm from further participation in this procurement.

2.     Proposing Firms are prohibited from identifying an individual as Project Manager or Project Architect if that individual:

a.     Is currently performing as a Project Manager or Project Architect in an existing SDA project that has not yet reached Substantial Completion; OR

b.    Has been identified as a Project Manager or Project Architect in a Proposal in response to any other active SDA procurement for which an award has yet to be made.

Failure to comply with the above Key Team Member identification requirements will result in rejection of the Technical Proposal as non-responsive and will disqualify the responding firm from further participation in this procurement.

3.     Bidders are required to comply with the requirements of P.L. 1975, c.127 (N.J.A.C. 17:27), pertaining to affirmative action and equal employment opportunity.

4.      The NJSDA requires the consultant to provide opportunities to SBE firms to participate in the performance of this engagement.

5.      To participate in the selection process, interested firms must submit a Technical Proposal (one unbound original, five bound copies and two full cover-to-cover copies in PDF format on electronic media (CD or comparable)) and a Fee Proposal (one unbound original in a separate sealed envelope) no later than 4:30 PM Eastern Time on June 18, 2015 as follows:

If submitting by hand or overnight delivery, at the:

32 East Front Street
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0991
Attention: Dave Kutch, Sr. Procurement Analyst
Subject: Design Consultant Services - ES-0043-A01

If submitting by U.S. Mail, address packages to:

P.O. Box 991
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0991
Attention: Dave Kutch, Sr. Procurement Analyst
Subject: Design Consultant Services - ES-0043-A01

IMPORTANT NOTE: Faxed or e-mailed Proposals will not be accepted. Proposals received after the above date and time will be returned unopened.

Selection Process:

Responsive Technical Proposals will be evaluated by the Selection Committee. The Selection Committee will evaluate responsive Technical Proposals based upon the information provided by a firm in response to the RFP, and any necessary verification thereof. Submissions shall be evaluated on the following Evaluation Criteria:

  •     Team Design Consultant Experience (20 points)
  •     Key Team Member Qualifications (20 points)
  •     Team Approach to Pre-Design Phase Services (15 points)
  •     Team Approach to Design Phase Services (15 points)
  •     Team Approach to Construction Phase Services (10 points)
  •     Team Approach to Minimizing Potential for Change Orders (10 points)
  •     Team Approach to Achieving LEED Certification (10 points)

The responsive Technical Proposals will be ranked on the basis of such scores, and a shortlist of the (6) most highly-ranked Firms will be determined. In the event of a tie in the Final Technical Proposal Scores for the sixth firm to be shortlisted, all firms with the tie Final Technical Proposal Scores will be shortlisted. The shortlisted Firms will be notified to participate in interviews with the Selection Committee. If six or fewer Firms submit valid, responsive Technical Proposals, then all such Responding Firms will be invited to participate in interviews with the Selection Committee. The Selection Committee will interview each of the shortlisted Firms and evaluate each Firm on Interview Criteria that are the same as those used in the evaluation of the Technical Proposals, as follows:

  •     Team Design Consultant Experience (20 points)
  •     Key Team Member Qualifications (20 points)
  •     Team Approach to Pre-Design Phase Services (15 points)
  •     Team Approach to Design Phase Services (15 points)
  •     Team Approach to Construction Phase Services (10 points)
  •     Team Approach to Minimizing Potential for Change Orders (10 points)
  •     Team Approach to Achieving LEED Certification (10 points)

The scores for the written Technical Proposal submission and the Interview will be averaged to arrive at a "Final Combined Score."

Based on the final ranking of firms using the "Final Combined Scores," the Authority will enter into negotiations with the most highly-ranked Firm to arrive at a lump-sum fee for the specified Predesign Services consistent with the hourly rates established in the Agreement. Should the NJSDA be unable to negotiate a satisfactory lump-sum fee with the most highly-ranked Firm, the NJSDA shall terminate negotiations with the most highly-ranked Firm and shall then undertake negotiations with the second most highly-ranked Firm. Failing accord with the second most highly-ranked Firm, the NJSDA shall terminate negotiations with the second most highly-ranked Firm and shall then negotiate with the third most highly-ranked Firm. In the event that the NJSDA is unable to reach a satisfactory accord with any of the three most highly-ranked Firms, the NJSDA may select additional Firms in order of their ranking and continue negotiations until an accord is reached or, at its option, the NJSDA may reject all Proposals.

Following successful negotiation of a lump-sum fee for the specified Predesign Services, the selected Firm will be issued a Notice of Award for Design Consultant Services (the Agreement) and, upon satisfactory completion of all specified pre-award requirements, will be issued a Notice to Proceed with Predesign Services. Following completion and acceptance of Predesign Services, the NJSDA may, at its sole discretion, negotiate fees for remaining Design Consultant Services with the awarded Firm.

The NJSDA has no obligation to award a contract and reserves the right to waive any non-material defects, reject any or all proposals for any reason in accordance with law, and/or terminate the selection process at any time.


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