Contract No.
Contract Name & Location
School District
Trenton Central High School
The following firms have attended the pre-bid:
AP Construction, Inc.
Banc3, Inc.
CDI Architects Gr LLC dba L.R. Kimball-Architect
Clarke Caton Hintz
Consulting Engineers Collaborative, Inc.
D.A. Nolt, Inc.
Design Ideas Group Architecture + Planning, LLC
Dewberry Engineers, Inc.
Dobco, Inc.
Epic Management, Inc.
Ernest Bock & Sons, Inc.
Fletcher Thompson Architecture Engineering, LLC
Hall Construction Co., Inc.
Harrison-Hamnett, P.C.
Innovative Sys.Dsgn & Train.Inc.dba Educ.Sys.Plan.
Intertech Associates, Inc.
J.V. Palmonari, Inc.
KS Engineers, P.C.
Langan Engineering & Environmental Services, Inc.
NK Architects, P.A.
NV5 Northeast, Inc.
Paulus, Sokolowski and Sartor, LLC
Prismatic Development Corp.
SSP Architectural Group, Inc.
STV Incorporated
T.N. Ward Company
Terminal Construction Corp.
Torcon, Inc.
Turner & Townsend Heery, LLC
Urbahn Architects, P.C.
USA Architects, Planners + Interior Designers, Ltd
Walsh Construction Company II, LLC