The following firms have attended the pre-bid:
ATC Systems, Inc.
Banc3, Inc.
Barham Group, LLC (The)
Bennett Company, Inc. (The)
Cambridge Construction Management, Inc.
Concord Engineering Group Inc.
Consulting Engineers Collaborative, Inc.
Design Ideas Group Architecture + Planning, LLC
Di Cara / Rubino Architects
Distinct Engineering Solutions, Inc.
Dobco, Inc.
Engineering & Land Planning Associates, Inc.
Epic Management, Inc.
Ernest Bock & Sons, Inc.
French & Parrello Associates, P.A.
Hall Construction Co., Inc.
Innovative Sys.Dsgn & Train.Inc.dba Educ.Sys.Plan.
Kliment Halsband Architects LLP
KS Engineers, P.C.
Langan Engineering & Environmental Services, Inc.
Leon D. DeMatteis Construction Corp.
Mitchell Giurgola Architects, LLP
NK Architects, P.A.
OCA Architects, Inc.
Parette Somjen Architects LLC
RSC Architects
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, Architects, P.A.
Spiezle Architectural Group, Inc.
SSP Architectural Group, Inc.
STV Incorporated
Terminal Construction Corp.
Tutor Perini Building Corp.
USA Architects, Planners + Interior Designers, Ltd
Van Note-Harvey Associates, Inc.