State of New Jersey - NJ Schools Development Authority
Contract No. Project Name & Location School District
CA-0018-A01 Lanning ES Camden
On 09/16/2003 this contract was awarded to
NK Architects, P.A.

Proposed Sub Consultants

SubConsultant Qualification Category
NK Architects, P.A. Architecture
NK Architects, P.A. Structural Engineering
Luongo Associates, P.A. HVAC Engineering
Luongo Associates, P.A. Electrical Engineering
Luongo Associates, P.A. Plumbing Engineering
Medina Consultants, P.C. Civil Engineering

Project ID# Project Name & Location
0680-215-03-0509 Lanning Square

If your firm wishes to participate, it will be necessary to have an active pre-qualification by SDA at the time of the short-listing process or preliminary proposal due date. For information on becoming pre-qualified please visit the pre-qualification page.

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