Passaic City
New ES at Henry St. (-x01)

19 Henry Street

Passaic City , NJ 07055


Passaic Gifted and Talented Academy
The new 116,000 square-foot facility was designed to educate approximately 680 students in grades pre-kindergarten through five. The school includes a three-story academic/administrative wing that consists of classrooms and administrative spaces and a two-story wing that includes a cafetorium, a gymnasium, music and art rooms. Courtyard space will be created between the two wings. The new school was built using a design-build approach.

CURRENT STATUS - The project is complete and the school facility is occupied.


Key Parties:
Design-Build Contractor Dobco, Inc.
Design-Build Architect DiCara/Rubino Architects
Construction Manager New Jersey Schools Development Authority

Design Design NTP issued April 9, 2013
Construction Start June 2013
Anticipated School Opening September 2015

Total Estimated Project Costs $55 Million
Total Construction Costs $34.2 Million

*Please note that the anticipated milestone dates listed above are dependent on a number of variables and subject to change.