Passaic City
New ES at Leonard Place



Construction Progress - February 2019

Sonia Sotomayor Elementary School
The new Sonia Sotomayor Elementary School is a 105,000 square foot facility designed to educate approximately 700 students in Kindergarten to 5th grade. The school includes 30 general classrooms, five small group instruction classrooms, two science classrooms, instrumental and vocal music rooms, an art room, a multipurpose room with stage, a gymnasium, a cafeteria, and a media center.

CURRENT STATUS - As of June 1, 2019: The project is in the final stages of construction. Delivery and installation of furniture and technology is ongoing and the application for TCO is under review with DCA. The school is on schedule to open to students in July 2019.


Key Parties:
Design-Build Contractor Dobco, Inc.
Design-Build Architect DiCara/Rubino Architects
Construction Manager EPIC Management

Design Design NTP issued 1/14/2016
Start of Building Construction 8/8/2016
Anticipated School Opening September 2019

Total Estimated Project Costs $55.9 Million

*Please note that the anticipated milestone dates listed above are dependent on a number of variables and subject to change.